Mateusz Kosciukiewicz interpreta il ruolo principale nella serie “Francesco”, diretta da Liliana Cavani
Here is the article published on the website of the EFP, European Shooting Stars (Berlin International Film Festival)
Successful networking made possible by EFP SHOOTING's EUROPEAN STARS talent platform: Mateusz Kosciukiewicz was cast as the main character in the Italian TV series "Francesco". When Lilia Trapani Hartmann, Italian Casting Director (also Eat Pray Love) met this year's Polish SHOOTING STAR at EFP's “Interviews with casting directors” at the Berlinale, she quickly realized that Mateusz would be the perfect actor for the role of famous St. Francis of Assisi:
"We have been looking for months for the right actor to play the particular Francesco that our director Liliana Cavani had in mind: an innovative, revolutionary character. But none seemed to really satisfy our demanding director. When I met Mateusz at the Shooting Stars in February, I immediately felt he could be the right choice. I showed his DVD to Liliana, then we called him in for an audition and he got the role ”.
The two TV episodes will be directed by Liliana Cavani (filming from 5 May to 12 July). Like St. Francis, Mateusz Kosciukiewicz will play alongside Sara Serraiocco in the role of Chiara, Vinicio Marchione as Elia and Benjamin Sadler as Bishop Ugolino. The series is produced by Ciao Ragazzi in co-production with RAI and distributed internationally by Betafilm.
“I didn't expect something so beautiful to happen to me,” comments Mateusz Kosciukiewicz. “This is precisely the direct result of the Shooting Stars. Get a role in a foreign film right after the Berlinale "
Mateusz's recent films include Malgoska Szumowska's “In the name of”, Jacek Borcuch's “All that I love” and Pawel Sala's “Mother Teresa of the cats”.
Link: http://www.shooting-stars.eu/en/press/2014/2014_04_11_Mateusz_casted.php
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